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Merry Christmas! The Season for Giving

LOUISVILLE…State Rep. Darren Bailey (R-Xenia) is taking this time to wish everyone a ‘Merry Christmas’ and encourage people to remember the spirit of this holiday season and give unto others whenever they are able.


“In my family, we remember that God gave us one gift and HE was very small, and the wise men brought gifts to the child king. I would like to take this time to encourage all to remember that Christmas is not about how many gifts you get or how big they are, but the spirit of giving…whatever you can. Whether it is just your time volunteering at a local soup kitchen or church, or singing Christmas carols to shut-ins at nursing homes, your ‘gifts’ help to bring them a little cheer. Many people share their love through baked cookies and treats for neighbors and loved ones.


“There are many ways to help others in your community and share your blessings during this season of giving: by donating blood to the Red Cross; donating food items to local food pantries and churches, and donating diapers and clothing to pregnancy centers and children’s homes and supporting local shelters with winter coats and blankets. However we are able to show a little kindness is more appreciated than we can ever know. From the Bailey family to yours, please have a blessed time with family and friends during this Christmas season.”


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