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Statement from the Illinois Farm Bureau Regarding Secretary of Agriculture Nomination

The following is a statement from Illinois Farm Bureau (IFB) President Richard Guebert, Jr., regarding the nomination of former USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack as Secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture.

“Illinois Farm Bureau congratulates former USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack on his recent nomination by President Elect Joe Biden to serve as agriculture secretary.

“Illinois Farm Bureau members recognize the critical role USDA fills to provide a stable domestic food supply through a number of avenues including food banks, school nutrition, beginning farmers and programs that keep America’s farms profitable during times of crisis.

“Vilsack, during his first term as ag secretary, was a big proponent of biofuels and global trade expansion. Support for biofuels remains a high priority for Illinois farmers as one in every three bushels of Illinois corn produced is converted into ethanol.

“An experienced nominee like Tom Vilsack has a solid understanding of U.S. agriculture and the broad scope of work necessary to form strong farm and food policy. Vilsack would be stepping in to steer a familiar ship as the agency works to maintain the country’s food security and vital agriculture programs once he is confirmed by the Senate.”

The Illinois Farm Bureau is a member of the American Farm Bureau Federation, a national organization of farmers and ranchers. Founded in 1916, IFB is a non-profit, membership organization directed by farmers who join through their county Farm Bureau. IFB has a total membership of more than 378,237 and a voting membership of 77,909. IFB represents three out of four Illinois farmers.


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