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Fairfield Memorial Hospital’s Expansion Project continues to make progress each week. Here is a brief synopsis of the work that is being completed and what is planned for next week!

During the week of November 30th, the iron workers will work towards completing the bolting up of the frame by the end of this week. Mechanical, electrical and plumbing contractors are continuing to work on the supports and core drilling necessary for their work in the new building. The mechanical contractor is also installing the new heating hot water line from the existing boiler room into the new building this week, which will result in some re-routing of access to areas temporarily inside the main part of the hospital. Installation of exterior framing and track for interior partitions is also being worked on this week. The first load of block for the building exterior has been delivered, this work will begin once the exterior sheathing is far enough along for construction crews to maintain continuous progress.

The week of December 7th, weather permitting, will consist of the continuation of the exterior stud framing of the building and the contractor will also be starting the exterior sheathing work. Our spray fireproofing contractor will return to the site to complete the exterior fireproofing and begin the interior fireproofing on the 3rd floor. The mechanical, electrical and plumbing contractors will continue with their supports. The drywall contractor will follow behind the spray fireproofing and will be able to start some of the interior framing on the 3rd floor.

Fairfield Memorial Hospital appreciates your patience and understanding during this time of construction.


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