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Carmi-White County School Board Met Monday Night; Kelli Chapman Resigned

The Carmi-White County School Board met last night in the Junior/Senior High School Cafeteria.

Board President Andy Acord started the meeting announcing that board member Kelli Chapman resigned from the board, effective immediately.  The board will address the situation at a later date.

The Fiscal Year 2021 Budget was approved, with a balance of $383,581 in receipts versus expenditures.  The budget allows the district to maintain the programs that are expected from our community while providing dollars to maintain the positive teaching and learning environment that our teachers and students deserve.

The board approved the low bid of $10,800 from Seiler Heating/Air and Electric LLC for replacing all exterior security lighting at the Junior/Senior High School.  The money will come from a School Maintenance Project Grant the board received back in April.

In the Superintendent’s report, Brad Lee noted that the district’s sixth day enrollment for the 2020-21 school year was 1,332—down 38 students from last year.

Wabash Valley FS donated 1,500 water bottles for Unit 5 students.

Martin and Bayley and the Carmi Schools Foundation donated approximately 425 Student Desk Dividers to be used by Early Childhood to 3rd grade students.

All unit 5 schools will be participating in the Summer Food Service Program allowing all students, whether face-to-face or remote, to receive a free breakfast and a free lunch each day through the end of December.

According to County Treasurer Pam Armstrong, the revenue for local taxes will once again be a couple of months behind.  The first installment will be due November 15th and the second installment will be due December 15th.

The Building principals gave an update on how the first four weeks of school has gone in their respective buildings.  They all appreciated how everyone, from the teachers, administrators, students and all staff have come together to create a great working and teaching environment.  Concerning face-to-face versus remote learning, 68% of students are learning in-person at the high school; 78% at the junior high; 85% each at the Lincoln and Jefferson schools; at the Washington School: 90% of fourth graders, 82% of fifth graders and 85% of sixth graders are learning in-person, and the number is 72% at Brownsville School.

The district received $1,100,095 in total revenues for August, which includes $45,086 from the one percent sales tax.

In other business: a serious safety hazard resolution was approved; sixteen board policies were preliminarily adopted as amended with final action set for next month’s board meeting and one policy up for review every five years was approved with no changes; the board approved a Settlement Agreement with a Certified Employee; accepted the resignations of Kendra Fisher at Jefferson School effective August 17th, Justin Simmons as 6th grade girls’ basketball coach, Joshua Girten as 6th grade boys’ basketball coach and Ben Bradshaw as 5th grade boys’ basketball coach, all effective immediately; Vanessa Kiser as Special Education Individual Aide and Breakfast Supervisor at Lincoln School effective September 14th and Michael Flechs as part-time building custodian at Brownsville School effective immediately; and the board approved $80 in donations to Brownsville School.

The board went into closed session at 7:31 PM to discus personnel.


Returning from closed session, the school board voted to employ Susan Healy as a Special Education Individual Aide at Brownsville Attendance Center.  She’ll fill the vacancy created by Robin Winters’ reassignment.  Winters will serve as an afternoon crossing guard at Lincoln.  She’s taking over for Janet Childers.  Brittany McGarrh was approved for employment as an afternoon crossing guard at Washington; taking over for Carrie Carpenter.  In addition, Rachel Essary has been reassigned from dishwasher duties at Jefferson Attendance Center and will move into a Special Education Individual Aide at Lincoln and will also serve as a part time bus driver following the resignation of Riley Cantrell.  Cassie Hunsinger will also take on a role as a Special Education Individual Aide, at the high school, that also a vacancy created by the resignation of Cantrell.  Lastly, the school board agreed to hire Drake Patton as the 7th grade Boys Basketball Coach.  He takes over for Justice Stubblefield.


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