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Grayville City Council Met Monday Night; Executive Session Took Up Most of the Meeting

More than half of an hour long Grayville City Council meeting Monday was taken up by an executive session which only resulted in council calling for a special meeting to be held this Thursday.  Jc Tinsley was there for WROY/WRUL News.  He says during the executive session, commissioners and the mayor discussed the setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body, the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body, including meetings held for the purpose of discussing whether a particular parcel should be acquired, and the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of employees of the city.  That special meeting will be held at 7pm this Thursday, August 27th from city hall.


The pre executive session portion of the meeting only lasted 7 and a half minutes.  All we learned from that slice was the Treasurer’s report which currently shows the city with $1,050,237 and change in restricted accounts, $904,713 and change in investments, and just over $155,942 in cash available for operations.  Commissioner Don Baldwin requested a fresh speed study covering an area from the edge of town near Gray Street to the Dollar General store.  He says the 35 mph limit isn’t enough given the substantial hill and says he’d like it to be raised to 45 mph.  Street Commissioner Chris James said he’d put in a call to the state already, but would make another request.  Finance Commissioner David Jordan reported oil income for the last month at $1,240.52.


Post executive session, most old and new business was tabled or at least no news was given.  Mayor Thompson said there had been 1 more abandoned property demolished since his last report.  There was some discussion surrounding the council’s recent decision to allow the park boat ramp lease to expire.  The landowners that live near the ramp were present at the meeting to request some perspective and give their thoughts.  And a public hearing date was announced for a zoning map change request.  It will be held on September 14th prior to the council’s regular meeting.  Lastly, Commissioner Tyler Howell reported he’d requested quotes for a computer purchase that would be utilized for the water and sewer department.


The meeting adjourned at 8:05pm.


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