ELDORADO, CARMI & MCLEANSBORO, IL – Effective immediately, no visitors will be
allowed in Ferrell Hospital. Exceptions will be made for one adult accompanying a pediatric
patient and for end-of-life situations.
Patients with a medical emergency should go to the Emergency Department entrance.
Ferrell Hospital and Affiliated Clinics – Screening Process
Ferrell Hospital and affiliated clinics have implemented patient screening protocols prior to
entering the facility and/or clinics. At Ferrell Hospital and Ferrell Hospital Family Practice,
patients should go to the main entrance located on Benton Street if arriving between the hours of
7 AM – 7 PM, Monday through Friday; otherwise, go to the Emergency entrance.
For more information about COVID-19, and Ferrell Hospital’s efforts to keep patients and staff
safe, please visit www.ferrellhospital.org, and click the COVID-19 coronavirus information bar
across the top.