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Hamilton County Woman, Positive for CoViD Agrees to Talk with WROY/WRUL Wednesday Morning

Jc (for WROY/WRUL News): 

Allie, thanks so much for your willingness to visit with me this morning. And even more so, thank you for being willing to discuss our topic this morning. You and your grandparents have tested positive for CoViD-19 and I think it would be beneficial for folks to actually know what it’s like. So good morning, how are you feeling? And then your grandparents, how are they doing?


Allie Healy:

Good morning! I am feeling okay today but most of the time I’m very tired. Fortunately I believe I am on the tail end of this.

My grandmother is doing better but is still very tired most days. The health department has released her as of Tuesday, the 7th and said if she feels like it, she can resume her normal daily activities. As of right now, she’s not feeling up to doing much considering the condition of her husband.

He is very, very sick. Yesterday, they had to put him in a coma and intubate him to stabilize his breathing. His oxygen level was at 95% before intubation and now they have him set at 80% which is giving his body a chance to rest for awhile. His doctor has put in a request today for plasma from other covid19 patients to be put into his blood stream to hopefully build his immune system and fight off this terrible virus. He still cannot receive visitors at this time and we are all beside ourselves, missing him and worrying about him constantly.


Jc (for WROY/WRUL News):

I don’t want to ask specific ages, but we do know that the disease seems to be affecting folks differently based on their age and some underlying health issues. Can you give me a rough idea of how old you and your grandparents are?


Allie Healy:

I am in my mid 20s

My grandmother is in her mid 60s

And my grandfather is in his late 60s


Jc (for WROY/WRUL News):

OK, so let’s go back a bit. When were you tested, who was tested first and how did you know you needed to be tested…how did the dominos fall as far as who was first diagnosed, second, third?


Allie Healy:

The crazy thing is, none of us had a single clue we had it. My grandfather had been having health problems concerning his stomach for months and he had an appointment on Thursday, June 25th with a specialist in St. Louis for his stomach issues to hopefully get some answers. This specialist would be the 6th doctor he had seen for this issue. When he arrived, he was a bit disillusioned and weak so vital signs were taken immediately. He was then emitted to the ER due to his blood pressure being 70/50. The next day, they did a routine coronavirus swab on him, along with all of the other patients in the hospital. We were completely shocked to find out that his test came back positive. My grandmother, mother and I then all made appointments to be tested since we had all 3 been around him.

My mother got her test results back first. She got a rapid test done since she is a health care administrator. Her results were negative the very next day. My grandmother and I got our test results back I believe 4 days later. Mine was negative and hers was positive. I knew that mine would be negative because people have to wait to get tested 5-7 days after being exposed to a positive case. I had only waited 2 days. The day I got my results back, I immediately went out and got another test done. After waiting another long 5 days, I found out on July 4th that I was indeed positive. My grandmother and I went into quarantine Friday the 26th after finding out he had it. We only got out to get our tests done. Unfortunately rumors were spread in this small town that my grandmother was spotted getting her nails done at a salon here in McLeansboro and I can assure you that is definitely not true. My grandmother did not even have her car as it was with my grandfather. We have received many, many calls, texts, and messages from tons of people; even people we do not know telling us they are praying for us and we are all so grateful for every single one.


Jc (for WROY/WRUL News):

Do you have any idea where you’d gone or how/where you may have been exposed?


Allie Healy:

No, we really have no idea where it came from.


Jc (for WROY/WRUL News):

Is it ok to ask how you personally felt about this whole CoViD situation before you were exposed and now have it? In our area, there seem to be a lot of people that either don’t believe it’s real, don’t believe they should take precautions, or simply aren’t concerned about it and are more interested in going on about their lives. Do you feel like you were taking precautions and it happened anyway or were you in the boat of if it happens it happens? And has your view on the illness changed since you’ve tested positive?


Allie Healy:

When the coronavirus scare first came about, I was very scared of it and didn’t get out for months. I have bad asthma and a compromised immune system so I figured it would be life altering if I was to catch it. Fortunately, I believe it has affected me least. I have had all of the symptoms except a fever. I will admit that when it first came around, like I said, I was very nervous and took tons of precautions. But began to eventually feel like it wasn’t much of an issue, especially in this small community. When I would go to stores in bigger cities, I would always wear a mask and put a mask on my 3 year old daughter if she was with me at the time. We keep germ X and Lysol wipes in our car even. I wish I would’ve taken more precautions to prevent this but would’ve never even thought about wearing a mask around my grandparents. My advice is to take this very seriously. Wear a mask everywhere you go. I realize that it’s hot and it’s annoying but it’s a small price to pay to save lives.


Jc (for WROY/WRUL News):

I think so many people have heard especially from celebrities who have tested positive what they’re experiencing, but locally I don’t think many people really know what it’s like. And I imagine that probably changes things when it’s someone you know and love that is now dealing with it. Can you tell me more about the symptoms and the severity and just kinda, what is the illness like both for you and your grandparents?


Allie Healy:

It all started with an all day everyday headache. I had a runny nose but didn’t consider that to be a symptom for me because my nose is always running. Also, we had the dust storm come through so I was not concerned about that. I eventually had mild diarrhea and also dismissed this to be nerves. I had cold chills and hot flashes which is usually sign of a fever but my temperature never got over 98.4. Within no time I noticed I couldn’t taste things or smell anything at all. Soda tasted very flat and everything else had no flavor at all. I ended up losing my appetite but pushed myself to eat and stay hydrated everyday. My smell and taste is back but it’s nothing like it was. When my taste first came back everything was very salty, then everything was very spicy. In the past few days I have had some breathing problems but was able to take a 4 pill a day steroid yesterday and it cleared it right up. It is hard for me to be out in the heat right now for more than a few minutes but I do go out and get fresh air everyday. I will tell you that I believe even though I have had all of the symptoms I would have never connected them to the coronavirus if it wasn’t for my grandparents testing positive. The only thing that stood out to me as being odd was losing my taste and smell.


Jc (for WROY/WRUL News):

What do people need to know about CoViD whether they’re in your age group or your grandparents? Is there anything that you think people should be doing differently?


Allie Healy:

Like I said, wear your mask! Wash your hands! Please take these precautions to keep everyone safe. Try to do grocery pickups and buy items online during this time. Don’t go anywhere you don’t have to. I know we all feel very cooped up since the beginning of the year but push those vacations, trips and such back until a safer time. Like I said, I have a 3 year old that I unfortunately cannot see because I have the virus and she does not. She was with her father when I contracted it. I miss her terribly!! We will be staying home this summer and to keep her safe. There are so many fun things to find to do online that I’m sure your children will enjoy also. To children, memories do not have to be going out and doing something everyday. Just take time to do one on one things with them like playing dolls/race cars, outside chalk, kick a ball around and cook together for example. I’m not saying that you won’t hear, “I’m so bored” but they will grow up and realize you put their safety first.


Jc (for WROY/WRUL News):

Anything I didn’t ask that you think is important for people to know, in general or about you or your grandparents specifically?


Allie Healy:

We would just really like to take this time to say thank you so much for all of the prayers and drop offs from everyone. Please continue to pray for all of us. My grandmothers name is Carolyn Draper, my grandfather is Amos Draper and I am Alexandrea (Allie) Healy.

Also, if you feel like you might have symptoms, please stay at home and get tested immediately to prevent the spread. And remember that if you are exposed, you will receive a negative test if you test before 5-7 days after being exposed. This is extremely important!!!!

Keep your faith in God and everything will work out in his favor.

Thank you so much Jc for contacting me to get our story out. I pray that it makes a difference and makes people more aware of the seriousness of this virus.


Jc (WROY/WRUL News):

Allie Healy, thank you so much for again being willing to talk to me today about your experience. I appreciate it greatly and we wish you and yours all the very best…hoping you have a speedy recovery and are feeling better soon.


Allie Healy:

Thank you so much. I really appreciate this.  Have a great day and God bless!


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