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Reduced Rate Lab Event Location Change for Fairfield Locations Only

Reduced rate labs will still be held as scheduled next week with a minor location change for the Fairfield locations only.

The draw station for Fairfield Memorial Hospital will be held under the drive-up canopy in the front of the Medical Arts Complex entrance located at 213 NW 10th Street in Fairfield. Anyone wishing to utilize the Fairfield draw station should enter the drive by turning left at the stop sign located at the cross-section of NW 10th Street and Water Street.

At which time Registration staff will obtain the necessary information and payment while you remain in your vehicle. Lab personnel will then obtain your specimen. This is being done to be compliant with Federal and State recommendations for social distancing. The change in venue applies only to the Fairfield locations. The draw stations at Cisne, Albion, and Grayville will remain the same at this time.

“We realize how important these reduced rate labs are to our patients which is why we are not canceling or postponing this event. The change in the location of our draw stations in Fairfield to the front of the Medical Arts Complex is being done to be compliant with State and Federal recommendations for social distancing while providing a much needed service for our patients. Patients with high deductibles rely on the reduced rate lab events to work with their medical provider on medication adjustment and monitoring such things as cholesterol levels.” noted FMH CEO Katherine Bunting-Williams.

Fairfield’s Reduced Rate Lab Draw Station will be open starting Monday, March 23rd through Saturday, March 28th from 7:00a.m. to 10:00a.m. No appointment needed.

The Reduced Rate Lab Draw Stations in Cisne and Grayville be open starting Monday, March 23rd through Saturday, March 28th from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00a.m. No appointment needed.

The Reduced Rate Lab Draw Station in Albion will be open Monday, March 23rd – Wednesday, March 25th – Friday, March 27th from 7:00 a.m. to 9 a.m. at FMH Albion Lab Draw Station at the Edwards Co. Health Department. No appointment needed.

The following tests will be offered at all locations:

Hemoglobin A1c (Diabetic Monitor) $20 | Lipid Panel (Cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL, and VLDL) $20 | PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) $20 | Thyroid Function Panel (T4, Free T3, Free T4, TSH) $40 | General Health Profile (Includes CBC, Lipid Screen, and a 12 test chemistry profile) $40 | Vitamin D Test $40

Patients should not have food or drink after midnight and payment is due at the time of service. Results of the test will be mailed directly to the patient’s home. For more information call the Fairfield Memorial Hospital Laboratory at 618-847-8262.


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