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Shimkus Statement on Supreme Court Nominee

Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) released the following statement following President Trump's nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court:"Brett Kavanaugh is exactly the kind of judge we need on the Supreme Court, one who bases decisions on the Constitution and... Read More.

Shimkus Statement on Status of Immigration Debate

Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) released the following statement on the status of immigration reform in Congress:“I’ve always said that securing our borders must be the first step in reforming our broken immigration system, and both bills originally slated to be considered by the... Read More.

Shimkus Supports Trump Priorities in Spending Agreement

Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) released the following statement after the House of Representatives approved an omnibus spending agreement for fiscal year 2018:"First and foremost, my vote today was to restore our military readiness that was neglected during the previous administration. Our land forces... Read More.

Shimkus Announces Annual High School Art Competition

Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) is now accepting entries for the 2018 Congressional Art Competition. The contest is open to high school students in the 15th Congressional District. Entries are due by May 4.“This is an annual competition that we are pleased to participate... Read More.

Shimkus Statement on the State of the Union

WASHINGTON – Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) released the following statement after President Trump’s first State of the Union Address:“In spite of the crazy environment and partisan bickering, President Trump and the Republican Congress are actually getting things done in Washington.... Read More.

Shimkus Statement on End of Government Shutdown

Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) released the following statement after voting for a three-week continuing resolution:“No one wins in a shutdown. Thankfully this one is over. The bill I voted for today was exactly the same as the one I voted... Read More.

Shimkus Kicks Off Annual Valentines for Heroes Program

Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) is once again asking constituents to participate in his annual “Valentines for Heroes” program. The congressman’s district offices will collect valentines for distribution throughout the region to veterans and those currently serving in the military.“Thousands of... Read More.

Shimkus Votes for Lower Taxes, More Jobs

Today Congressman John Shimkus (R, Illinois-15) voted for the tax reform bill supported by President Donald Trump.“I’ve pushed for and promoted a simpler, fairer, flatter tax code since I was first elected, and that’s exactly what I was proud to vote... Read More.