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Workers at Risk During Cold


Workers at Risk During Cold


As temperatures drop, people who work outside are at risk for cold weather related issues.

Construction workers, road workers, landscapers all work outside all year round. This increases their risk for hypothermia and frost bite, but what about your eyes?

Cold winds can dry out your eyes and leave lasting damage.

It’s especially a concern for people who work outside all day- like road crews or construction workers.

A doctor at Deaconess said during cold weather season, you can’t forget about your eyes.

“Eyes seem to dry out very quickly,” Doctor William Thompson III explained. “It’s not very convenient to continue to keep putting moisturizer in them, but what we try to say is put some sunglasses on or some clear lenses so that you can prevent that wind shear. The wind shear can really dry them out and actually can cause quite a bit of problems later.”