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White County irrigators encouraged to attend aggregation meeting

Owners of high capacity water wells (>100,000 gallons/day) in White County are required to report your water usage to the Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS) per Illinois law. Under the Illinois Water Use Act, agricultural irrigators are allowed to aggregate their data through a unit of local government. The advantage to aggregation is to provide the irrigator some anonymity from public record disclosure of your water usage.

White County irrigators are strongly encouraged to attend the annual Aggregation Meeting on Monday, November 21, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the White County Farm Bureau.

At this meeting irrigators can submit their water usage data where it will be aggregated with other wells in your zone. There are three approved zones for White County… Hawthorne Township, Emma Township and the remainder of the county. Farm Bureau and Soil Water Conservation District staff will be on hand to assist you.

If you do not attend the meeting, or provide your forms to Farm Bureau/SWCD staff prior to the meeting, you will be responsible to report your water usage individually to ISWS.

Irrigators are strongly encouraged to have the ISWS estimation forms completed prior to attending the meeting, as well as have your water wells registered with the ISWS. These forms, and additional information, can be found at

Contact Doug Anderson at 618-382-8512 if you have questions about the new water reporting requirement.