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White County Historical Society Busy Spring

White County Historical Society


The White County Historical Board of Directors has reviewed the busy months of spring activities and is preparing to launch another project to raise funds needed to maintain the museums and future events.  The April dinner meeting was well attended to recognize and celebrate White County citizens who willingly joined the large work force in Evansville for the WW II efforts during the 1940’s.  That event was followed by a week of Tea Parties hosted at the Robinson Stewart House Museum when over 200 students and teachers experienced tours followed by a tea party coordinated by Paula Pierson and a team of over 50 volunteers.  The following week, Society President, David Brown, welcomed the Carmi-White County 5th grade students to Ratcliff Inn where he portrayed RI Proprietor, James Ratcliff, to introduce the students to the White County residents who were friends of Abraham Lincoln when Lincoln visited Carmi in 1840.   Students then toured the entire Inn with explanations by Roger and RanelleHubele.  The Board also thanked former Board Member, Barbara Kearney, for organizing and hosting a successful plant sale at Robinson Stewart House with funds directed for the upkeep of the house and yard.  And finally, the Board is pleased to report that the collapsed ceiling at the Mary Smith Fay Genealogy Library is completely replaced with new lighting.  The Library has returned to normal operating hours of 11:30 am to 4:30 pm Tuesday through Friday.

New members in recent months include Teresa Mears, Donna Sheraden, Gene Gowdy, Terry and Christine Murrow, John and Angie Healy, Brooks and Anna York, Richard Raber, and Paul and Jan Carlson.   Recent gifts to the museums include family items from Stanley and Virginia Hughes of Scottsdale, AZ.—WW I uniform, photos, and dog tags belonging to Albert Hughes and a quilt featuring names of numerous persons.

The board heard another update from Lisa and Emily Cowling and the proposed historical picture book.  This fundraiser project launches soon when the Board will issue a request for pictures from the past.  There will be specific dates and locations throughout White County when people will be asked to bring in pictures which can be published in the book which will be offered to the public.  Pictures which you bring will be scanned and returned to you immediately.  Please be looking for pictures which you want to share with the public when White County Historical Society releases a book to further preserve our heritage.  This compilation of pictures will be only as complete as you help to make it.   Watch for notice of time and locations to get your pictures scanned.