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White County Historical Society Board of Directors April meeting report

White County Historical Society Board of Directors met Tuesday, April 11 for their monthly meeting with President David Brown presiding and 9 board members present. In addition to reviewing the Spring Dinner meeting held the previous evening, the Board finalized plans for the 2nd Grade Tea Parties to be held at Robinson Stewart House the week of April 24 and the Plant Sale on May 6. Although the dinner meeting was well attended to hear the program on the mussel button industry in the Midwest and the Wabash River Valley, those who made reservations and did not attend are expected to send the $15 per person reservation fee to WCHS at P.O. Box 121, Carmi since the organization was committed to the meal costs.

The Board received notice of gifts from Jim Sullivan of Grayville and Mrs. Rose Newcomb of Carmi. Sullivan presented an 1880’s era set of quilting frames, and Mrs. Newcomb presented framed memorabilia from the Shawnee National Forest and CWCHS class lists from 2003 and 2010. The Calvert family has also presented a Bausch and Lomb Compound Microscope owned and used by Dr. William Brimble-Comb, M.D. who practiced medicine in White County in the early 1900’s and is buried in Big Prairie Cemetery.

A summary of the year’s activities at the Genealogy Library by chairman Valarie, Berekashvili are: open 260 hours, with 40 visitors and 9 letters being processed by 3 volunteers who worked 113 hours.

Membership chair, Paula Pierson reported one new member this year: Mrs. Kathleen Rister. Pierson is still accepting 2017 dues and payment may be sent to the Society at P.O. Box 121, Carmi.

Board members will meet Saturday, April 22 at 10 a.m. at the Robinson Stewart House to clean the house and yard in preparation for the 2nd Grade Tea Parties for all White County Second Grade classrooms and their teachers. Volunteers are welcome to join the effort and please bring appropriate cleaning supplies and equipment.