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White County Board meets Monday morning

The White County Board met Monday morning for one of their two morning sessions of the year.  Ambulance Director Adam Allen updated the Board that the new power load systems will be delivered in about eight weeks, and that the CPR machines have been delivered and are now in use.  The service answered 217 calls for service in May, and processed 574 transactions.  The Ambulance Service showed a small profit.

County Treasurer Pamela Armstrong reported that her department is getting ready for the 2016-17 tax billing, and that bills will be mailed out the first of July.  Michelle Winter has been hired back on a part time basis.  Armstrong also reported she is looking at ways to electronically do more records and publications in an effort to save money.

Sheriff Doug Maier submitted his report to the Board, and wanted to highlight that the White County Jail is now housing Federal prisoners from Indiana.

9-1-1 Director Julie Irwin announced that the next 9-1-1 Board meeting will be at 6 pm on July 17th, and it is hoped that Gov. Bruce Rauner will sign pending legislation securing 9-1-1 system funding even without a state budget.

Don Hoffman of Emling and Hoffman was in attendance to present an overview of the 2016 audit.  Hoffman reported that White County is in good financial shape, and that departments had heeded suggestions to improve financial practices.  Hoffman particularly noted great improvements from both the Sheriff’s Department and the Ambulance Service.

The Board voted unanimously to continue the discount program for County employees at Taylor Eye Care, and unanimously approved the prevailing wage resolution as required annually.

Sheriff Maier requested that the Board consider an ATV ordinance for county roads.  Maier noted that Douglass County has a resolution that they are considering as is Wabash County.  States Attorney Denton Aud has reviewed the Douglass County ordinance, and is making some changes to it, and Maier and Aud both stated that they are looking into more specifics about the proposed ordinance and invited the Board to make suggestions before an ordinance is drawn up. The Board agreed and tabled the issue until a later date.

The Board agreed unanimously to declare a 2003 Ford ambulance as surplus equipment and will accept sealed bids.  The ambulance has not been used for four years, and is currently in the impound yard.

Board Chairman David Dosher reported that the White County Board passed a resolution in support of the oil and gas industry in January 2013, and that it was still in force.

Dosher then appointed himself, Don Puckett, Julie Irwin, and Brian Ray to a committee exploring the purchase and installation of new rural reference signs.

With no executive session, the meeting adjourned at 9:21 am, and the White County Board next will meet on Tuesday, July 11 at 7 pm.