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Wabash Communications CO-OP Sponsoring member for the Foundation for Rural Service Scholarship

The Foundation for Rural Service (FRS) offers an annual college scholarship program to help further higher education among rural youth. FRS awards a one-time $2,500 scholarships to students from rural America for their first year of college, university or vocational-technical school. Each student is sponsored by an NTCA member company. FRS funds $2,000 of the scholarship and the additional $500 comes from the student’s sponsoring company. (Wabash Communications CO-OP)

The goal of the scholarship program is to help further higher education opportunities among rural high school students. Wabash strongly supports the youth of our community and is thrilled to sponsor this worthy program. The program empowers rural youth by giving them opportunities for higher education. Our hope is that these students return to rural America to enhance and enrich their rural community with education and experience.

Scholarship recipients are selected by an independent team of reviewers from the education field. To be eligible, recipients must be sponsored by an NTCA member system, and must indicate a desire to return to their rural communities once their collegiate studies have been completed.

The scholarship program is open to all graduating high school seniors that receive local telecommunications service from Wabash Communications. Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited two-year or four-year college or university, or vocational technical school, and have at least a C- grade point average. Applications are available from high school guidance counselors or can be downloaded from the FRS website at Completed applications must be brought to the Wabash Communications office for finalization of the Sponsor Certification section and postmarked to FRS by March 1, 2018. Please allow adequate time for us to do the certification.