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Special Meetings for Grayville and Enfield

Special Meetings for Grayville and Enfield


The Grayville City Council has been on a run lately, holding more special meetings than regular board meetings the last couple of months.

Another special meeting is set for 8 this morning (fri).

And before that meeting even got started, the Grayville City Council announced another special meeting, set for 10, Wednesday morning,

Today’s meeting will actually be in closed session as the commissioners look at collective negotiating matters and cover some business related to employees of city departments. Wednesday’s meeting will also be behind closed doors and will continue collective bargaining issues.

It was not clear if there will be any action following either special meeting.


The Village of Enfield will also host a special board meeting. That meeting is set for 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 22. The purpose of the meeting will be to further discuss White County dispatch fees.