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WRUL On Air Now

Cathy Taylor
Cathy Taylor
9:00am - 2:00pm

Snow Overnight Closes Schools

Snow Overnight Closes Schools


Snow mixed with freezing rain overnight has created hazardous driving conditions around the tri-state, including White County.

Those hazardous driving conditions caused a number of area schools to cancel classes for the day. That includes Carmi-White County Unit 5 and the Norris City Omaha Enfield schools.

Road conditions, while passable are considered hazardous in spots, as there are a number of areas that are still snow covered and slick this morning. Carmi City Crews have been out much of the night moving snow and while Carmi streets have been graded, there are still some slick spots around town. Motorists are reminded of these four words; SLOW DOWN< BE CAREFUL.  State crews have also been out over night, so most highways are clear and passable, but again use caution while driving and slow down.

Those are words of wisdom when it comes to traveling on snow covered roadways. Drivers should be extra careful when approaching intersections. Slow down, long before the intersection and avoid slamming on your brakes. Leave sufficient distance between you and the vehicles in front of you, not only at intersections but driving throughout  the  area this morning.

And if your vehicle sat outside overnight, take the time to clear your windshield. The extra time to clean your windshield is small compared to to time to fill out an accident report if you were involved in a crash due to limited visibility.

The good news, while the National Weather Service says we may see a little more wintry weather this morning, by this afternoon the wintry mix will have moved out of the tri-state and temperatures are expected to be in the mid to upper 40 on Friday, with sunshine.