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Norris City Village Board Met Monday Night

Nothing has been decided concerning the dispatch charges with the White County Sheriff’s Department. The village has another agency willing to make an offer to do some emergency dispatches, but there are no specifics yet. They should have some by next month’s board meeting.

There are several houses to be repaired or demolished. In the first group of five properties, work has completed on two and two are having work done at this time. The other property was sold to a new owner who is now making improvements to it.

In the second group of seven properties, all received their notices by mail. Two of them were granted extensions, progress on one will be evaluated on a month to month basis, one has been removed and the other three have yet to respond.

Jerica Sneed, who is involved with a summer sack lunch program for needy children in Carmi, addressed the board to see if this program could be extended to Norris City. It would require participation from churches and organizations in the village. Mayor Roy Kissel and the board members didn’t have any problem with it and said they would reach out and see who would be interested in volunteering for the program.

In TIF District news, work is still being done on a contract with Donovan Mead for his welding shop.

The board approved advertising for sealed bids on the 2003 Dodge Durango, to be opened at next month’s meeting, and approved transferring the 2007 Crown Victoria as payment for work done on the new police truck.

In the police report for December, there were 13 reports written, three arrests made and seven 9-1-1 calls. Officers assisted with the annual Cops and Kids Christmas Shopping at Wal-Mart with over 40 kids chosen to participate in the shopping spree.

The holiday lights will be taken down today, Tuesday.

And the American Legion is holding a raffle. It meets all ordinance requirements.

The next Norris City board meeting will be Monday, February 3rd at 7 PM.