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NCOE School Board hires personnel at May meeting

The May NCOE District School Board meeting was held Thursday the 18th.  The minutes and the bills were approved as presented.

The meeting was highlighted with personnel moves for the 2017-2018 school year.  Those employed were Jimmy Foster, Dean of Students at NCO; Trent Mason, NCO Language Arts; Kelci Webb, jr. high cheer sponsor; and Kory Sutton, Ag and FFA sponsor to teach at NCOE.

The Board also accepted the resignation of Stevey Ukena, science teacher at Booth.

The Principals reported that attendance was up at the schools for the month of April.  End of the year activities are in full swing.  Mr. Flechs stated the jr. high department had been on interesting and educational field trips to Berry Plastics and Toyota.  The 8th grade end of year trip to Holiday World was a success.

The senior class had a safe and enjoyable trip to Washington, D.C.  There was a good turnout for Baccalaureate.  At Senior Honors this week over $369,000 in scholarships and $327,000 in military scholarships were handed out.  Mr. Haley thanked Mrs. Braden and all the presenters of those awards.

The high school’s Spring Arts went very well and featured many talented students.  The seniors are set to graduate and after graduation will be enjoying the Drug-and-Alcohol Free party in Harrisburg with pizza and a movie, and prizes for all the graduates to be given out.

The principals wanted to thank the Ministerial Alliance and Crossroads Church for hosting the graduates.

Booth has hosted their student awards day and the kindergarten and pre-k graduations.  The PTO will be providing a fun day with bounce houses and a cookout for the students of Booth on May 23rd.

Mr. Vollman updated the Board that the employee health insurance would only be increasing 2.34% for 2017-2018.

In other business the Board:

– Held the second reading of several updated Board policies.

– Let bids for dairy, bread and cafeteria supplies.

– Approved the Hazardous Traffic Resolution for IDOT.

– Set a hearing for 7:00 p.m. June 21 for the amended 2016-2017 budget.

– Adopted the Prevailing Wage Ordinance.