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NCOE Board meets for August

The NCOE school board had a short meeting this month. The minutes and bills were approved as presented.

Registration has been taking place this week at the high school. The enrollment numbers are looking to be higher than last year. The building is ready for students and the new bathroom renovations are almost complete. Volleyball, golf and cross country have started.

The NCO grade school building is prepped and ready for the new school year. Registration was this week along with band camp. Softball and baseball tryouts were recently held and Monday August 14th will be their first game.

At Booth, the roofing project is well underway and doesn’t look like it will postpone school from starting on schedule. The custodians and staff are working to get everything ready.

The Board will hold a budget hearing September 20 at 7 p.m. in the Superintendent’s office prior to the regular board meeting. They also accepted the resignation of Andy Sutter as 7th grade basketball coach.