City of McLeansboro
Regular Meeting
March 13, 2018 – 6:00 P.M.
City Hall
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
1. Approval of the Minutes from the Public Hearing, and Regular Meeting of February 13, 2018
2. Approval of Collector’s and Treasurer’s Reports
3. Discussion /Approval of Bills and Transfers
4. Public Comments
5. Discussion and/or Action on accepting sealed bids for the sale of a 2003 Ford Crown Victoria (Vin# 2FAFP71W63X206386) police vehicle
6. Discussion and/or Action on accepting sealed bids for the purchase of a log cabin kit for the Izaak Walton site
7. Discussion and/or Action on establishing schedules, renewing vendors’ contacts and completing maintenance for the City Pool
8. Discussion and/or Action on renewing mutual aid agreements with McLeansboro Township and Brad Cross (STC North Campus) for primary and secondary City government emergency relocation centers
9. Discussion and/or Action on establishing a date for the City-Wide Spring Clean-Up
10. Discussion and/or Action on passing an ordinance to address the payment of cable television franchise fees in the City of McLeansboro
11. Discussion and/or Action on approving a dig permit to provide fiber service to the new Fox Meadows Independent Living complex located at 108 S Pearl Street
12. Discussion and/or Action on renewing an annual agreement with Frontier Communications, 111 Field Street, Rochester, NY 14620 to provide equipment and services to City Hall in the amount of One Thousand, Two Hundred Nine Dollars and Twenty-Three Cents ($1,209.23)
13. Discussion and/or Action on renewing an annual water tower maintenance agreement with Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maint. Co., 1 Watertank Place, PO Box 1849, Henderson, Kentucky 42419 for the amount of Eight Thousand, Thirty-Two Dollars and Thirteen Cents ($8,032.13)
14. Discussion and/or Action to convene into executive session under Section 2 (c)(1) of the Open Meetings Act for consideration of the appointment/employment of specific employees; and, under Section 2(c)(11) regarding pending litigation
15. Discussion and/or Action on the appointment/employment of specific employees; and, pending litigation with the City
16. Adjourn