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Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

Maintenance and Facilities Improvements at NCOE

Maintenance and Facilities Improvements Highlight the September NCOE School Board Meeting

The NCOE board of education held a public hearing on the budget Wednesday night, September 19th for the 2018-19 school year prior to the regular board meeting. The board then approved a resolution for submission of the budget at the regular Board meeting. The Board approved the budget, with estimated positive balance in each category at the end of the year. The budget will soon be available on the district website.

In attendance for the evening was the NCOE Student Council and Council sponsors to present proposed changes to the homecoming format. The students did a tremendous job in their presentation as well as board discussion with the students about their proposals

The monthly bills were presented and approved and discussion followed about projects that have been going on in the district. Superintendent Matt Vollman presented the Board with a list of all the projects that were taken on and accomplished during the summer months and was happy to report that much needed maintenance issues have been addressed and improvements made to the facilities in all three school buildings. Mr. Vollman indicated that the total cost of all the projects cost the district approximately $150,000 and was thankful for facilities tax monies that have been helpful in funding these projects. Some major improvements that were undertaken throughout the district: resurfacing the track at the high school, water heater and pipe replacements at NCO and the high school, new flooring and bathrooms in the gym at the high school, new doors for added security, new and updated greenhouse, HVAC repairs and replacements, new faucets in student bathrooms at NCO, new energy efficient lighting, replacement guttering and flooring at Booth.

Mr. Vollman also wanted to thank the PTO for their donation of a new storage building at NCO that will provide much needed storage space for teacher and faculty supplies. He also thanked the FFA alumni for their matching contributions for the greenhouse as well as their time and labor helping with pouring concrete and walls for the project.

Principal reports were then presented to the board. Mr. Haley congratulated the volleyball team on winning the NCOE Invitational last week. NCOE hosted the Dave Gray invite for Cross Country and the NCOE cross country teams placed very well. The NCO cross country teams received 3 first place trophies! Both elementary buildings have had their Back to School nights recently and the school year is off to a good start with baseball and softball seasons well underway at the grade school and regionals starting this week. The school marching bands are busy now during marching season and will be marching at Dairy Days, Mule Days, and Corn Days.

In other business the Board—

–Approved the Administrator & Teacher Salary report for FY 18

–Approved the six-day enrollment

–Approved transfer of $35,000 from Working Cash to IMRF

–Approved first reading of the district Risk Management Plan

–Accepted resignations of Betty Rumsey and Donetta Hosick

–Employed Kelly Sutton at NCOE cheer sponsor, Matt Vollman as Jr. High assistant softball coach, and new district aids