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Hospice of Southern Illinois Celebrates National Social Workers’ Month

When one thinks of the month of March, many things may come to mind. Whether it’s the color green, specific sports, the anticipation of spring and flowers, or even four leaf clovers, many don’t know about another important recognition for March. It is also National Social Worker’s Month. Here at Hospice of Southern Illinois, we celebrate social workers and bereavement counselors everywhere, as do many other organizations across the United States. Our social workers and bereavement counselors play an integral role in the hospice circle of care. They help our patients, and their families, with emotional and spiritual needs, as well as, a holistic approach towards meeting the needs presented during the end-of-life journey.

The 2017 theme for National Social Workers’ Month is “Social Workers Stand Up!” The campaign during Social Workers’ Month is to educate the public about contributions of social workers and why the professional title of social worker is so important. There are multiple ways that we, as a community, can help get the word out about social workers:

1.      Thank a social worker that you know. A little thank you can go a long way, telling them how much they are appreciated.

2.      On social media websites like, comment, or share anything that is related to National Social Workers’ Month and “Social Workers Stand Up!” Help to spread the word!

3.      Educate yourself on what many different occupations that social workers have. Many social workers may hold positions you may not even consider, including social workers and bereavement counselors for a hospice like ours.

Our social workers seek to impact not only the lives of our patients and family, but are also available to provide resources to the public sector that can enhance their individual and collective well-being. Our social workers are available to help the general public, through speaking engagements, consultations and bereavement service that will maximize use of available resources within their own community supports.

Additional information about hospice services, careers for social workers and counselors, and advanced care planning is available from Hospice of Southern Illinois, your local not-for-profit hospice organization on our website,, or by phone, 1-800-233-1708. More information about National Social Worker Month can be found at