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Holly Healy takes over as President of Carmi Kiwanis Club

Jeremy Jordan, retiring president of the Kiwanis Club of Carmi, receives the past president’s plaque from incoming president Holly Healy. He, in turn, presented the club’s charter to her to be displayed in her office during the coming year. The club is in its 91st year.

Holly Healy was installed Thursday afternoon as the president of the Kiwanis Club of Carmi, the community’s oldest civic club.

Healy is the executive director of the Carmi Chamber of Commerce. She succeeds Jeremy Jordan as the club’s chief executive.

These are the men and women who will lead the Kiwanis Club of Carmi in the coming year. Left to right, they are, front row, Steve Winkleman, Andrea Hays, Holly Healy, Eric Rahlfs, Katelyne Wolff and Justin Dartt; and back row, past lieutenant governors Jim Davis and Keith Hoskins (who assisted Dr. Frank Barbre with officer installation), Nick Knight, Doug Hays, Matt Lamont, Amy McCarty, Brooke Walters, Lawrence Martin and Kati Sturgal.

Other officers installed by Dr. Frank Barbre, a former club president, included Katelyne Wolff, president-elect; Eric Rahlfs, first vice president; Justin Dartt, second vice president; Steve Winkleman, treasurer; Kati Sturgal, secretary; Greg Grant, Amy McCarty, Andrea Hays and Doug Hays, directors for the years 2017-2019; and Lawrence Martin, Matt Lamont, Nick Knight and Brooke Walters (filling the vacancy left with Dartt’s election as a vice president), directors for the years 2016-2018.

Barbre was assisted by Keith Hoskins and Jim Davis, past Kiwanis lieutenant governors.

Healy presented the past presidents’ plaque to Jordan, who in turn gave her the club charter and pin. Jordan said it was a pleasure to lead the club and expressed his appreciation to all who helped, especially Healy, who was called upon to lead club meetings on several occasions when he was unable to attend. He said the club is in good hands, adding that he will continue to do what he can to help the club and the community.

Both the incoming and outgoing presidents expressed appreciation to all those who helped organize and carry out last weekend’s 90th annual Corn Days celebration.

In other matters, three members of the Carmi-White County High School Pep Club (Cole Carter, Peyton Roedder and Autumn Schneider) announced plans for a special food collection drive to be capped by a pep rally at McDougal-Evers Gymnasium at 6 a.m. Nov. 3. The local high school is in competition with other Tri-State student bodies in an effort to collect the largest amount of canned goods by that date. The collection was to begin Oct. 23, and donations may be taken to any Unit Five school building.

These Jefferson School students were named Most Valuable Students for the first quarter of the school year. Left to right, they are Kaleb Belcher, August Hampton, Tyler Goff, Kayleigh Adams and Addyson Rahlfs.

Dr. Amy Dixon and Lacey Moore brought along the first-quarter Most Valuable Bulldog winners from Jefferson School, Addyson Rahlfs, Kayleigh Adams, Tyler Goff, August Hampton and Kaleb Belcher. Each received a certificate.

Dan Drone won the weekly 50-50 drawing, splitting a jackpot of $40 with the club.

The program followed a meal prepared and served by Yesterday’s of Carmi. Club members gathered outside following the meeting for a club photo, taken by Tracy Orr.

The Oct. 26 program will feature the young White County 4-H members honored as “royalty” during Corn Days.

Holly Healy was installed Thursday afternoon as the president of the Kiwanis Club of Carmi, the community’s oldest civic club.

Healy is the executive director of the Carmi Chamber of Commerce. She succeeds Jeremy Jordan as the club’s chief executive.

Other officers installed by Dr. Frank Barbre, a former club president, included Katelyne Wolff, president-elect; Eric Rahlfs, first vice president; Justin Dartt, second vice president; Steve Winkleman, treasurer; Kati Sturgal, secretary; Greg Grant, Amy McCarty, Andrea Hays and Doug Hays, directors for the years 2017-2019; and Lawrence Martin, Matt Lamont, Nick Knight and Brooke Walters (filling the vacancy left with Dartt’s election as a vice president), directors for the years 2016-2018.

Barbre was assisted by Keith Hoskins and Jim Davis, past Kiwanis lieutenant governors.

Healy presented the past presidents’ plaque to Jordan, who in turn gave her the club charter and pin. Jordan said it was a pleasure to lead the club and expressed his appreciation to all who helped, especially Healy, who was called upon to lead club meetings on several occasions when he was unable to attend. He said the club is in good hands, adding that he will continue to do what he can to help the club and the community.

Both the incoming and outgoing presidents expressed appreciation to all those who helped organize and carry out last weekend’s 90th annual Corn Days celebration.

In other matters, three members of the Carmi-White County High School Pep Club (Cole Carter, Peyton Roedder and Autumn Schneider) announced plans for a special food collection drive to be capped by a pep rally at McDougal-Evers Gymnasium at 6 a.m. Nov. 3. The local high school is in competition with other Tri-State student bodies in an effort to collect the largest amount of canned goods by that date. The collection was to begin Oct. 23, and donations may be taken to any Unit Five school building.

Dr. Amy Dixon and Lacey Moore brought along the first-quarter Most Valuable Bulldog winners from Jefferson School, Addyson Rahlfs, Kayleigh Adams, Tyler Goff, August Hampton and Kaleb Belcher. Each received a certificate.

Dan Drone won the weekly 50-50 drawing, splitting a jackpot of $40 with the club.

The program followed a meal prepared and served by Yesterday’s of Carmi. Club members gathered outside following the meeting for a club photo, taken by Tracy Orr.

The Oct. 26 program will feature the young White County 4-H members honored as “royalty” during Corn Days.

Article submitted by Barry Cleveland