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Hamilton County Board to Meet Tonight

The Hamilton County Board will meet tonight at 6:00 PM. They will discuss the Laborer’s Local #1197 Union Contract between the Hamilton County Board/Hamilton County Sheriff’s Department and Laborer’s International Union of North America, Southern Central Illinois Laborer’s District Council and Laborer’s Local #1197, as well as Ordinance #09-2019, intitating a Referendum to Authorize the Imposition of a Special County Retailer’s Occupation Tax for Public Safety. New business will include the approval of the Claims list and Late Claims, approval of Resolution #2019-30, increasing the County Clerk Marriage License fee to the Statutory rate of $75 per license effective January 1st, 2020, approval of the Supervisor of Assessments Salary reimbursement effective December 1, 2019, accepting a check from the Illinois Department of Revenue in the amount of $4,798.99 for reimbursement for qualifying cost related to cyber security election grant, accepting the recommendation from the Insurance Committee to renew the Health Insurance for County Employees FY 2020 with IPMG to continue Participation with the Shared Health Alliance pharmacy program, and approval of Resolution #2019-31, supporting School Choice Week January 26th, 2020 through February 1st, 2020.