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Hamilton County Board Met Tuesday


Mcleansboro Mayor Dick Deitz and city council member Tom Maulding attended the meeting to discus the central dispatch agreement and reimbursement with the county. They offered the county a three year deal for $36,000 per year, up from the $25,000 Mcleansboro has been paying the last couple of years, to cover central dispatch and first responders. However, the county says that they’re unable to replicate the services required for no less than $100,000. Deitz said the city wants to work with the county to come to some kind of agreement and the county board members agreed. There was talk of a proposal to enter into a yearly contract with increases for each year of renewal. Deitz said he would get together with the Mcleansboro council to call a special meeting and will get back to the county board as soon as possible.

The board accepted the resignation of Mark Becker as Supervisor of Assessments and approved the appointment of Clint Hopfinger as Interim Supervisor. Becker thanked the board members for their help and support over the last thirty years.

A request from County Clerk Mary Anne Hopfinger was approved to accept a proposal from Election Systems and Software for new election equipment, at a cost of $161,242.50.

John Warner, Kenny Aydt and Greg Muehlenbein were reappointed to the Hamilton Memorial Hospital board of directors for a three year term effective July 1st and expiring on June 30th 2022.

The board decided to approve the renewal of the ambulance agreement with Harre Ambulance Service for July 1st until June 30th 2020, but will discus with them possible ways to cut down on response times.

According to Sheriff Tracy Lakin, his department has received six applications for the Deputy position, but he hasn’t been impressed with any of them, and Officer Lane Wellen’s last day with the department will be June 30th.

Dorothy Smith of the Emergency Telephone System Board said the county has received a Health Department grant for $11,000 for a repeater for the 9-1-1 service.

Two corrected resolutions were approved regarding the Motor Grade Purchase for the Highway Department and the establishing of civil fees and criminal and traffic assessments to be charged by the Circuit Court.

Julie Ritchey, Illinois Extension Regional Director for Region 3 announced that Interim Extension Director Jody Johnson will serve Hamilton County until a permanent position is filled due to the retirement of Connie Beck.

The board will continue to look into an Animal Control Warden, implementing a Solar Energy Ordinance/Resolution, updating the nuisance ordinance establishing fines and fees for different offenses and a Unit #10 School Safety Officer.

The board adjourned at 7:25 PM.