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Greater Wabash Regional Planning Commission hosting Elected Officials Training seminar

n Albion, Ill., Greater Wabash Regional Planning Commission is hosting an Elected Officials Training seminar for elected officials within the region. The educational seminar will include local, state, and federal agencies presenting their services.

The seminar is open to the public. The county board members, mayors, council members, township trustees, aldermen, village presidents, clerks and staff are welcome to attend.  Newly elected officials are highly encouraged to attend.

The Elected Officials Training seminar will be August 24th in Olney, IL at Olney Central College in the John D. Stull Preforming Arts Center.Registration starts at 8:30 AM and presenters will start at 9:00 AM and end at noon.

The presenters at the seminar will be: Illinois Department of Employment Security, Illinois Finance Authority, U.S. Department of Agriculture/Rural Development, Illinois Department of Transportation, Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity, Illinois Municipal League, Illinois Office of the Comptroller, Local Workforce Investment Area #23, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Illinois Rural Water Association and Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

GWRPC is partnering with South Central Illinois Regional Planning & Development Commission for the seminar. GWRPC’s seven counties include Crawford, Edwards, Lawrence, Richland, Wabash, Wayne, and White. The SCIRPDC’s five counties include Clay, Effingham, Fayette Jasper, and Marion.

If you have questions please call GWRPC at 618-445-3612.