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Grayville City Council meets for first August meeting

The Grayville City Council met on Monday night for the first time in August.  At the recommendation of Police Chief Roy Mann, the Council agreed to replace the current T-1 line for the LEADS circuit with a line from Clearwave Communications.

Mayor Joe Bisch reported that Mark Rogers was willing to sign over property on North State Highway to the City for cleanup, and that they are still inquiring about other properties in the City.  Attorney Jay Walden was asked to have paperwork for Rogers by the next meeting.

The Council approved unanimously Ordinance No. 846 to formally enter an intergovernmental cooperation agreement with the Illinois Municipal League Risk Management Association.

Mayor Bisch noted that the City currently has a uniform contract for $14000 a year for city employees, and asked for Council consideration doing away with it, and giving employees a clothing allowance instead.

An application to solicit donations for the Lions Club Candy Day on October 14th was approved.  In case of rain, the event will be held Oct. 21st.

No telemetry system bids have been received, and the City continues to work with the architects to pare down plans for the park to come in under cost of the bids received.

Commissioner David Jordan reported oil incomes of $2286.65 and $265.91, while Commissioner Andy Brock reported that 11 firefighters had received CO training and certification, and that new guidelines for utility shutoff had been distributed to the Utility Department.

In the Police report for July, Grayville officers answered 193 calls for service and opened 19 new case files.  Officers made 12 arrests, issued 24 citations and 38 warnings.  They also filed five traffic crash reports for the month.

The Grayville City Council will next meet on Monday, August 28th at 7 pm.