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Governor Rauner Surprises Second Graders in Olney

Unable to visit Mrs. Hardy’s second grade classroom at Richland County Elementary school before the end of classes this week, Governor Bruce Rauner paid a visit to the class through Skype on Monday – and surprised the students by offering to host a pizza party with them in the coming weeks.
The class this spring was named a finalist in the Governor’s #GovClassroom Visit contest, which highlighted innovative ways Illinois students are learning. While the Governor hoped to visit the school in person, its final classes before summer coincided with the final days of the state’s legislative session. Given the conflict, the Governor requested a meeting with the students through Skype, and pledged to have a pizza party with them in their hometown this summer.
The invitation was met with gasps and enthusiastic cheers.
“What a fun experience! Ms. Hardy’s second graders at Richland County Elementary School are the first students I’ve ever Skyped with,” Governor Rauner said.  “We’re so proud of all our teachers and students who are learning in truly unique ways.  Education is the most important thing we do as a state. I can’t wait to get down to Olney and meet all the students at our pizza party this summer!”
The students showed Governor Rauner how they use Legos when reading stories, how they build Lego robots and how they use Legos to work on their writing skills.  The Governor also answered the students’ questions.
Earlier this year, Governor Rauner encouraged schools across the state to use digital media to submit videos illustrating unique and inspiring ways students are learning in their classrooms. The Governor’s Office received more than 100 #GovClassroomVisit video submissions. In March, the top five finalists were posted to the Governor’s Facebook page.
Video of the Skype session from Richland County Elementary, the Skype session from the Governor’s office, video of the actual Skype and the video for the Richland Co. Elementary School #GovClassroomVisit submission can all be found here​.