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FMH presents July Employee of the Month

Each month, Fairfield Memorial Hospital honors an employee who has exemplified outstanding patient care and customer service internally and externally.

Rhonda Hart of FMH Purchasing being presented the July Employee of the Month plaque by Stacy Blaine, Purchasing Director at Fairfield Memorial Hospital.

In July, Rhonda Hart, who works in Purchasing, was named Employee of the Month. Rhonda is an exceptionally hard working individual who is known to efficiently finish each project that is given to her.  Her peers appreciate the positive attitude she exhibits day in and day out as she delivers supplies, along with her smile that spreads encouragement on the busiest days.  Rhonda is an employee who gives her absolute best to go above and beyond to lend a helping hand to others.


“Rhonda gives her absolute greatest effort each work day.  I cannot put into words how extremely valuable she is to the Purchasing Department. Her positivity and the way she efficiently executes purchasing orders is extremely valuable.  I am proud to have Rhonda as part of my team and feel blessed daily by what she offers those around her,” stated Stacy Blaine, FMH Purchasing Director.