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FMH presents July Employee of the Month

Each month, Fairfield Memorial Hospital honors an employee who has exemplified outstanding patient care and customer service internally and externally.

Kelsey Ropp, MLT (ASCP) EOM July(3)

In July, Kelsey Ropp, MLT (ASCP), who has been with Fairfield Memorial Hospital for four years, was named Employee of the Month. Kelsey is described by her peers as a very bright individual who steps right up and always does a great job no matter how difficult the task.  She is always willing to show up early to help cover a shift, when needed.  When Kelsey is ever presented with a challenge she continues to work until she overcomes the issue at hand and no challenge seems too large for her to overcome.  Her peers describe her as someone who always has a smile on her face and has a way of uplifting them even on the most difficult days on the job.  Kelsey’s professionalism and skills ring strong on a daily basis.


“Kelsey is an exceptional young lady with an incredible drive to do what is in the best interest of the patients she provides care for.  She is an asset to both my laboratory and the hospital.  I am thankful to have her as an employee,” stated Robert Hale, M.A., M.T. (AAB), FMH Director of Laboratory Services.


Pictured is Kelsey Ropp, MLT (ASCP) being presented the July Employee of the month plaque by Robert Hale, M.A., M.T.(AAB), FMH Director of Laboratory Services (right).