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Go Red For Women:

Friday, February 2nd is National Go Red Day! FMH invites everyone who wears Red on this day in honor of someone to stop by one of the volunteers desks for a sticker to honor the individual they are wearing Red for! Join us to raise awareness of heart disease in our community!

Multiple Sclerosis Support Group:

The Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Support Group will meet Saturday, February 3rd from 11 a.m. – 12 noon, located in the Harlan Yates Board Room located in the FMH Medical Arts Complex. The MS Support Group meets the first Saturday of each month.

CPR Classes:

Fairfield Memorial Hospital holds CPR Classes monthly on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. You must pre-register by calling 618-847-8367. This month’s CPR class is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7th.

Fairfield Memorial Hospital to host PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) Training:

Fairfield Memorial Hospital will hold the next Pediatric Advanced Life Support class on February 8th at 9 a.m. The cost is $30 for the PALS course. Should a CPR card be needed, there will be an additional $10 charge. These classes will be held in the Medical Arts Complex Education Room. If you would like learn more or to register for the course, please contact Deb Spillman, CMSRN, FMH Clinical Practice Coordinator, at 618-847-8241. Upcoming scheduled dates for Advanced Cardiac Life Support ($30 class fee): March 8th, May 1st, July 9th, September 5th, and November 7th. Future class dates for Pediatric Advanced Life Support classes are as follows: April 5th, June 5th, August 2nd, October 29th, and December 5th. Please register one week prior to class, if possible.

Cancer Care Support Group:

Fairfield Memorial Hospital holds a Cancer Support Group meeting once a month on the second Thursday of the each month from 6-7 p.m. in the Medical Arts Complex (MAC) Education Room, with the next meeting being held, Thursday, February 8th.

Valentine’s Bake Sale & Silent Auction:

Fairfield Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will be holding a Valentine’s Day Bake Sale & Silent Auction on Friday, February 9th to benefit special projects and equipment purchases for the Hospital. The Valentine’s Day Bake Sale & Silent Auction will be held from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the FMH Medical Arts Complex Community Education Room.

April Greifzu, FMH Director of Nutrition Services, who is known for her sweet treats, will be making red velvet cake pops, “Big Momma” cinnamon rolls, regular cinnamon rolls, snack mix, specialty valentine cakes, and much more!

Items that will be in the Silent Auction will include a heart lap quilt, valentine basket worth over $100, small flat screen TV, wall décor, and more!

Pat Kenshalo, FMH Auxiliary Gift Shop Coordinator, has refreshed the shop for the New Year, and has a few specialty Valentine’s Day items, and will be stocking spring merchandise soon.

For more information about the upcoming event or if you would like to donate an item for the Silent Auction, contact Charlotte St.Ledger, FMH Executive Foundation Director, at 618-847-8297.

Diabetes Support Group:

Join FMH on Thursday, February 15th for the Diabetes Support Group Meeting. They are held the third Thursday of each month at 4 p.m. in the FMH Medical Arts Complex Education Room.

#TastyTips / #Mindful Moments / #Senior Secrets / #HealthInvestments / #WorkoutOfTheDay / #MyChart:

Did you know that Fairfield Memorial Hospital posts great tips, tricks, and recipes each week for the community to learn healthy habits, tools, and more? Be sure to like Fairfield Memorial Hospital on Facebook today to learn about the latest happenings at your hometown hospital.