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Cathy Taylor
Cathy Taylor
9:00am - 2:00pm

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Scott Mareing
Scott Mareing
10:00am - 2:00pm


Cancer Care Support Group:

Fairfield Memorial Hospital holds a Cancer Support Group meeting once a month on the second Thursday of the each month from 6-7 p.m. in the Medical Arts Complex (MAC) Community Education Room, with the next meeting being held, Thursday, February 9th.

Coffee Club:

Fairfield Memorial Hospital’s Senior Life Solutions hosts a Coffee Club from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. on the upcoming dates: Thursday, February 16th, Thursday, March 16th and Thursday, April 13th. The Coffee Club meets at the Kontiki and is open to older adults.

CPR Classes:

Fairfield Memorial Hospital holds CPR Classes monthly on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. You must preregister by calling 618-847-8243. The February CPR class is scheduled for Wednesday, February 1st.

Valentine’s Bake Sale:

Fairfield Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will be holding a Valentine’s Day Bake Sale on Friday, February 10 to benefit special projects and equipment purchases for the Hospital. The Valentine’s Day Bake Sale will be held from 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the FMH Medical Arts Complex Community Education Room. For more information about the upcoming bake sale, contact Charlotte St.Ledger, FMH Executive Foundation Director, at 618-847-8297.

Ann Ignas, CNE, who has become well-known for her homemade chocolates, will be making and donating her delicious specialty chocolates and other candy crafts for purchase!

Heart Health Drawing Contest:

Fairfield Memorial Hospital is sponsoring a Heart Health drawing/coloring contest to be featured on Facebook and other social media posts! This contest is open to 4th-6th grade students. On the below form, draw a picture of what you consider a “healthy heart” to be. It could be a picture of exercising, eating healthy foods, doing fun activities, etc. Don’t be afraid to use your imagination! Forms will be delivered to participating schools Friday, Jan. 27th. If your school is not participating or you are home schooled, you can still enter the contest!

The winner from each school (with a category for those who are Home Schooled) will receive a Wal-Mart gift card. Then, the overall winner will win the gift card, plus we will have the winning drawing put on a t-shirt and provide these t-shirts to each of the students in your homeroom. The winner’s homeroom class will get a pizza party for your class! Entries need to be submitted no later than February 10th to your teacher or delivered to Fairfield Memorial Hospital Administration. Winners will be announced on February 14th.

Multiple Sclerosis Support Group:

The Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Support Group will Meet Saturday, February 4 from 11 a.m.- 12 noon, in the FMH Medical Arts Complex. The MS Support Group meets the first Saturday of each month.

Diabetes Support Group:

Join FMH on Tuesday, February 7th for the Diabetes Support Group Meeting. They are held the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the FMH Medical Arts Complex Community Education Room.

Health Seminars:

Fairfield Memorial Hospital and Frontier Community College offer Health Education Seminars on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. FMH will have Carla Dunahay, PTA, who will be talking about Cardiac Rehabilitation and Heart Disease. FCC will also provide additional speakers who will focus on natural heart healthy habits and other heart health tips.

Go Red For Women:

Friday, February 3rd is National Go Red Day! FMH invites everyone who wears Red on this day in honor of someone to stop by one of the volunteers desks for a sticker to honor the individual they are wearing Red for! Join us to raise awareness of heart disease in our community!

#TastyTips / #Mindful Moments / #Senior Secrets / #HealthInvestments / #WorkoutOfTheDay / #MyChart:

Fairfield Memorial Hospital Beginning February 1st will be posting great tips and tricks for the community to learn healthy habits, tools, and more! Be sure to like Fairfield Memorial Hospital on Facebook today to learn about the latest happenings at YOUR hospital!

Free Blood Pressure Screenings:

Fairfield Memorial Hospital is doing Free Blood Pressure Screenings at the entrances of the Hospital and the Medical Arts Complex from 8am-10am on the following dates:

February 3rd | February 9th | February 17th | February 23rd | February 28th

*Those who get their blood pressure taken will be entered into a drawing for a free Lipid Panel and/or a session with FMH Dietitian, Whitney Buckles, RD, LDN.