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Farm Credit Illinois presents grant awards to White County 4-H Clubs

Thursday night, Farm Credit Illinois presented Community Improvement Grant checks to three White County 4-H Clubs and the Federation at the University of Illinois Extension office in Carmi.

White County 4-H Federation:  Front Row – Annsley Healy, Andi Allen, and Fisher Allen Second Row – Mattie McArthy, Grace McCarty, Wyatt Pretzsch, Joseph Gates, Jax Jordan, Linus Magnotta, and Hannah Parker Back Row – Heather Greenwalt, Amy McCarty, Kennedy Cook, Gia Berekashvili, Nate Garner, Craig Koors, Jace Carter, and Valerie Flanningan

76 Clovers: Front Row – Fisher Allen, Mattie McArthy, Andi Allen Back Row – Heather Greenwalt, Keesha Allen, Kennedy Cook, Craig Koors, and Valerie Flanningan

Centerville Ripsnorters: Heather Greenwalt, Jaclyn Garner, Nate Garner, Jace Carter, Craig Koors , and Valerie Flanningan

Mad Hatters: Front Row- Hannah Parker, Wyatt Pretzsch Back Row – Heather Greenwalt, Rachelle Hubele, Gia Berekashvili, Craig Koors and Valerie Flanningan