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Joyce Jefferson
Joyce Jefferson
7:00pm - Midnight

Enfield Village Board raises utility rates at July meeting

The Enfield Village Board met Tuesday night for their July meeting.

The Board agreed to the gas and water rate increases recommended by the committee that met last month. Customer’s water rates will increase from .00663 per gallon to .00897 per gallon. And gas rates will rise from $2.45 per dekatherm to $3 per dekatherm. There will be no change in the sewer rates as that department has shown a profit. The increases will start with the august 10th billing utility rates are still the lowest of any surrounding communities. They also mentioned that they will probably have to raise rates again sometime in the future.

The Village has decided to get a new estimate from country companies insurance on the roof of the Village Building that was damaged from storms earlier in the year to see if they can get a better price; and they will also try to determine what kind of roof will replace the old one.

Accepted was the highest of three bids for the building they own on Sacramento Street that was damaged by fire, from Stan Hart for $325.

The $500 for firework insurance for the Fourth of July was paid to the Black and Willis families.

$100 was donated to John William’s farm for the horse pull they’re holding this Sunday.

A concave mirror will be placed on a pole at the intersection of Church and Jeanette Streets because drivers can’t see over the hill for oncoming traffic.

A letter will be sent to the owner of the home on 404 North First Street to fix his roof as there have been several shingles that have fallen of off it that could be a hazard.

A reminder was given that golf cart sticker renewal will be in August. It’s $40 for the first year and $20 for each year’s renewal.

And dog owners were reminded to keep their dogs on a leash as they’re have been some dogs running around town without one.

Mayor Tom Harbour said the Fourth of July celebration had a very good turnout without any problems.

In the police report for June, everything went smoothly on the fourth with no major incidents.

In the utilities report for June, the fire hydrants were flushed.

And the Board members will look over the County Multi Hazard Mitigation Plan and vote on it at the next meeting on Tuesday, August 15th.