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Enfield Village Board forms committee to study utility expenses

The Enfield Village Board met Tuesday night for their June regular meeting.

The Village has been showing a deficit in their water and sewer departments almost every month. It was recommended that rates be raised, as the Village has the lowest rates in the area. So they voted to form a committee to study ways to get utility expenses under control. They will meet tonight at 6 p.m. at the Village Building to work something out and report back at next month’s Board meeting.

The Board decided to table action on a towing ordinance until the July meeting while Village Attorney Johnathan Turpin looks into how to the Village can implement it.

It was determined that there was no need to hire an animal control officer as the police department will continue to fill that role.

They also agreed to look into ways to save on liability insurance on everything the Village owns, which includes buildings, vehicles and equipment.

The Board agreed to donate up to $500 towards the cost of liability insurance for the Fourth of July fireworks at the park. Food will be available for purchase at about 6 p.m. on the Fourth.

The Eillage will accept bids at the next month’s meeting for the building it owns on Sacramento Street that was burned by a fire.

The prevailing wage ordinance was approved.

In the utilities report, two gas lines were removed and one was repaired. Also, the water tower passed inspection with no problems.

In the park report, new swings and a mini jungle gym for the children to play on were purchased.

The Village received a “thank you” letter from the Enfield Blue Ribbon 4-H Club for their annual donation. They said they served 429 meals to 38 needy children last month.

Mayor Tom Habrour recently attended a fracking meeting held at Dolan Lake, saying it was “very informative”.

And the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Jeannie Palmiter as a Village Board member effective at the July meeting.