The Enfield Village Board met Tuesday night. Dana Smith was sworn in as a new board member, replacing Jeannie Palmiter, who had to step down due to not living within city limits.
The Prevailing Wage Ordinance and Tax Levy were both approved.
After much discussion, it was decided that the board members would look further into the possibility of permitting cannabis dispensaries to sell marijuana. Many of the board members want to know if allowing the purchase would generate enough revenue for the village to make it worthwhile.
The board voted to consider purchasing a 2008 Ford Ranger for the Utilities Department from Absher Auto Center in Carmi for $5,900.
As has been done every year, they donated $200 to the Mule Day Association to purchase a banner for Mule Days and sponsor some of the events.
The area from Plum Street to the railroad tracks, which includes East Prairie Street, will be closed off as requested by Chris Williams, Tom Grunlow and John Schoefield, due to them having problems with people trespassing on their properties. The board vacated with an easement for access by the property owners.
Cleanup day will be on Saturday, October 26th from 7 to 11 AM for village residents. You must present a paid utilities receipt for identification. No motor oil, computers, tires, etc. will be accepted.
The board rejected a bid of $2,054 from Deibold to replace the intercom system at the drive-thru window at the village building due to the high price. They will look into having the work done at a lower cost.
Thanksgiving and Christmas Turkeys and Hams will be be purchased for village employees at the Wonder Market.
The board went into executive session for about 15 minutes and decided to accept a bid from Caitlin M. Keepes, CPA to do audit for the 2019-20 fiscal year.
Due to one of the board members having a change in their work schedule, they agreed to begin all village board meetings at 7 PM year-round instead of only during Standard Time.