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Carmi Rotary hears about upcoming Lions Club Car Show

At Thursday’s Rotary Club meeting, Don Ridenour, of the Lion’s Club, gave the program. He told the Rotarians, that the Carmi Lions Club 10th Annual Car, Truck, Motorcycle and Tractor show will be held Saturday, July 1, 2017. He said that they were expecting over 150 cars to be present besides the trucks, motorcycles and tractors. It will be held under the shade trees at the White County Fairgrounds. Food and drinks will be available as well as live music, a 50/50 drawing and craft vendors. Don said that the rain out date will be July 4th.

In club business, the club voted to donate a sponsor fee to the event. As Don said, sponsors are needed to make the car show a success. The White County Build have several needed projects to be worked on. Any help from the community would be appreciated. Randy Douglass named Don Drone as the phantom. Cynthia Drone, guest of Don’s, won the honor of selecting the pink ball in the 50/50 drawing but was not successful and the pot rolls over. Little Giant and Andy Williams served up a delicious meal of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans to the hungry crowd. The Carmi Rotary club meets at noon on Thursday at the First United Methodist Church. Anyone wishing to get involved is encouraged to come help Rotary with the many local projects and charities that are supported. You can follow us on Facebook.