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Carmi City Council agenda Tuesday August 15


City of Carmi, Illinois

City Council Meeting

City Council Chambers, 225 East Main Street

August 15, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.

1. Call to order by Mayor Pollard, Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance.

2. Roll Call.

3. Approve August 1, 2017, Council Meeting Minutes.

4. Approve July 2017 Financial Reports for the City of Carmi and Light & Water Departments.

5. Approve and authorize August 2017 vendor invoices for the City of Carmi and Light & Water Departments.

6. Keith Botsch, City CPA and Auditor for the City of Carmi will present the 2016 Annual Audit, Financial Report for the fiscal year ending 12-31-2016.

7. For council consideration, discussion and possible approval:

a) Ordinance 1530: An ordinance imposing penalties for failure to timely pay municipal charges for electricity, water, sewage, and waste collection. (This ordinance rescinds and replaces Ordinance No. 1165 passed March 18, 1991, and Ordinance 1510 passed October 13, 2016).

8. Reports and/or updates from Mayor Pollard

9. Reports from Standing Committees.

10. Business or comments from visitors.

11. Closed Session to discuss personnel and property issues with no action to follow.

12. Adjournment