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Carmi Rotary

Carmi Rotary Club Reports a Full Schedule

The Carmi Rotary club had a lot of business to wade through at Thursday’s meeting of the local club. First up, Tom Logan told the members about the upcoming “Prayer walk” which will take place this Saturday, starting at 9:00am at the city park.

Also on the club’s agenda, the first weekend in November will be the Rotary District conference in Mt. Vernon, Il. This is a special meeting this year, since the district governor is from the nearby Mt. Carmel club.

The district conference coincides with the Carmi Rotary’s big event, the Fall Trivia. This year’s contest will be held on Saturday, November 3rd. at the American Legion in Carmi. The night kicks off at 6:00pm and should wrap up around 8:00. As in year’s past, there will be four rounds of ten questions each, hitting such topics as: history, science, pop culture, the Bible, sports, and many others. The entry fee for a four-person team is only forty dollars. More information will be passed along as the event draws closer.

Next up after the trivia, the Rotarians will be hosting a chili supper at the Lion’s Den on Friday, November 16th.

Rotary president Patrick Haskell updated the club on the work of the Brownsville School project, which is under the leadership of the Carmi Elk’s Club. The Brownsville school covers a nine county area, so Rotary and Elk’s clubs from all around are working together to raise funds for this much needed project. There is a Brownsville Foundation meeting Wednesday, October 3rd at 6:00pm at the Carmi Elk’s Club, and everyone is more than welcome to attend.

Dr. Haskell, besides being the club president, was also the day’s speaker. He told the club about a company he has dealings with, Bio-Botanical Research, Inc. This company was founded in 1987 by licensed acupuncturist and medical herbalist Rachel Fresco Salanda. Dr. Salanda started the company to address problems associated with intestinal ecology and immune system detoxification.

As Dr. Haskell explained, one problem with treating a virus with drugs such as penicillin, is that the virus will become, over time, resistant to that drug. The virus actually creates a “slimy” protection that can house the virus, which can become active again weeks or even months later, causing the person to be sick all over again.

With treatments such as Bio-Botanical’s, the protective pocket can be broken down, so the virus has no place to hide.

These types of stomach issues can even play a part in serious issues such as depression. When the intestinal health is suffering, the chemical serotonin can be stopped from reaching the brain, which can cause depression in the patient. The Bio-Botanical product, by eliminating the protective lining, will help the body release the serotonin.

The Carmi Rotary club meets every Thursday at noon at the First United Methodist Church on Main Street in Carmi. Anyone wishing to learn more about this civic organization is welcome to attend a meeting or speak with any Carmi Rotarian