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4-H Horse Show results in blue ribbons all around

The White County 4-H Horse Show was held Saturday night at the Jerry & Dorothy Sutton’s farm in Norris City. We would like to thank them for hosting the show and all the extra effort they go to accommodating our group. Four 4-H’ers, Riley Price, Mallory Hobbs, Marlee Fuqua, and Nate Garner participated in many different classes, including halter, walk/trot, showmanship, and fun events like the catalog race and egg and spoon race.

All members received blue ribbon ratings during each event, with high remarks from their judge, Joe Acord. Riley took senior high points and did an excellent job in showing and participating with “Parker”, her horse in all other categories. Junior showman, Nate Garner, took junior high points and showed great horsemanship. Nate also took home junior high points in the fun events. Congratulations to all our exhibitors on a job well done.

Riley Price – 76 Clovers

Mallory Hobbs – 76 Clovers

Nate Garner – Centerville Ripsnorters

Marlee Fuqua – 76 Clovers