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White County Sheriff’s Office Called to Mysterious Car Fire in Burnt Prairie Tuesday

White County Board to Meet Thursday

The White County Board will meet Thursday at noon to consider the updated Landscaping Plan, updated Decommissioning Plan, and the Application to Amend the Solar Farm Operating Permit to include additional acreage. The next regular White County Board meeting will be Tuesday, April 13, at... Read More.

White County 4-Hers Awarded 2021 Project Grants

The White County Farm Bureau is pleased to award twelve White County 4-Hers with a 2021 4-H Project Grant. A total of $1,027.16 in grants were awarded. 4-Hers receiving a 2021 Project Grant are… Katelyn Allen (Vegetable Gardening) Kinsey Allen (Creative Arts) Kenley Black... Read More.

Enfield Village Board Met Tuesday Night

The Enfield Village Board met in its regular monthly session last night.Gina Cushman was sworn in as the new village trustee, replacing Mary Dorner, who passed away recently.Residents might have noticed that their utility bills were higher than normal.  Mayor Tom Harbor said that... Read More.