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Carmi Police Make Driving While License Revoked and Probation Violation Warrant Arrest Thursday

Grayville City Council Will Meet Monday

The Grayville City Council will meet Monday at 7:00 PM. Old business will include continued discussion on the demolition of abandoned properties, the water tower maintenance contract, and the TIF #2 Developer's Agreement with McPherson Development. New business will include the discussion of excess... Read More.

White County Board to Meet Tonight

The White County Board will meet tonight at 7:00 PM. On the agenda is consideration of a resolution appropriating funds for the payment of the County Engineer’s salary, the Federal Aid Agreement on Herald Blacktop from CH 8 to IL 141 (12.43 miles) for 4... Read More.

USDA Under Secretary visits Dartt’s Farm

USDA Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation Bill Northey spent some time Wednesday, December 4th, in White County speaking with local Soil Conservationists, Farm Bureau members, Farm Credit representatives, and FSA employees. A project completed by John Pat Dartt on his... Read More.