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House Bill 168

House Bill 168

The Illinois House Judiciary-Criminal Committee approved a bill this week that could prohibit certain Illinoisans from owning pets.House Bill 168 would target owners who aggressively harm animals or violate dog fighting and entertainment pet rules. They would be banned from owning an animal for... Read More.

Forensic Falcons are 2021 Illinois State Champions

HARRISBURG, IL (March 9, 2021) – Southeastern Illinois College’s Forensic Falcons were named overall state champions in the community college division at the Illinois Intercollegiate Forensic Association March 6, earning both first place in the team individual events category and second in the team debate... Read More.

Look Out for Motorcycles on the Highway

Spring is all but upon us, and as warmer weather and nicer days increase, so do the number of motorcycles on the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, motorcyclists account for approximately 14 percent of all traffic-related deaths, even though they... Read More.