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Bicentennial Celebration; Fireworks to highlight Independence Day Festivities in Carmi

SIC Students take on New York

Southeastern Illinois College Art Club and Theatre Club (Theta Sigma Phi) traveled to the Big Apple last month for some exciting cultural experiences.Staying at a hotel near Times... Read More.

Traffic stops yield two arrests by Carmi Police

Carmi Police arrested 22 year old Adrianna Pollard of Carmi Tuesday afternoon following a traffic stop on a charge of driving on a suspended or revoked license.  Pollard was pulled over at the intersection of Main and SE First Street just after 1pm, and... Read More.

Upcoming American Red Cross Blood Donation Drives

Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs a lifesaving blood transfusion. The Red Cross must collect approximately 14,000 blood donations every day to meet the needs of patients at 2,600 hospitals and transfusion centers nationwide. Donors of all blood types are currently needed. For... Read More.