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IDOT Seeks Feedback on Illinois Rest Areas

IDOT Seeks Feedback on Illinois Rest Areas

The Illinois Department of Transportation is asking for the public’s help in developing a plan that will determine the best use of the state’s rest areas. An online survey, accessible at

Gov. Rauner highlights importance of tourism to Illinois economy

Gov. Rauner today emphasized the role tourism plays in the economic health of Illinois communities at the Chicago Southland Convention & Visitors Bureau annual meeting and awards luncheon. This year’s theme was The Power of Tourism.“As the third largest employer in...

White County Historical Society Museums open Corn Day

The White County Historical Society will have three of their museums open on Saturday October 14. The public is invited to visit all three.The L. Haas Store will be open from 9:00 am until noon. The Robinson-Stewart House will be open from 11:00 to...