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Sen. Bailey to Serve on Several Statewide Commissions

SPRINGFIELD-  State Senator Darren Bailey (R-Louisville) will be lending his knowledge, leadership, and work ethic to three statewide efforts focused on developing solutions for major issues. Bailey was recently appointed to serve on the Illinois Commission on the Elimination of Poverty, the Commission on...

Public Health Officials Announce 3,581 New Cases of Coronavirus Disease

SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) today reported 3,581 new confirmed and probable cases of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Illinois, including 40 additional deaths.- Adams County: 1 female 80s - Bureau County: 1 female 70s - Champaign County: 1 male 80s - Christian County: 1 male 80s - Clay County: 1...

Illinois Capital Development Board Releases Over $596,000 in Rebuild Illinois Funding to Southeastern Illinois College Towards Exterior Repairs

Funding to Repair Aging Facilities Made Possible by Governor Pritzker’s Rebuild Illinois Capital PlanHARRISBURG – The Illinois Capital Development Board today announced over $596,000 has been released from the state towards exterior repairs at Southeastern Illinois College, with local matching funds supporting a total investment...

Illinois Capital Development Board Releases Over $4.3 Million in Rebuild Illinois Funding for Repairs at Southern Illinois University – Carbondale

Funding to Repair Aging Facilities Made Possible by Governor Pritzker’s Rebuild Illinois Capital PlanCARBONDALE – The Illinois Capital Development Board today announced over $4.3 million has been released for the replacement of sewer line, repairs to the campus streamline, and tunnel at Southern Illinois University...

Statewide Unemployment Rate Down, Jobs Up in March 2021

SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) announced today that the unemployment rate decreased -0.3 percentage point to 7.1 percent, while nonfarm payrolls were up +32,200 jobs in March, based on preliminary data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and...

Planning Some Early-Season Boating? Review Safety Requirements Now

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Boaters are heading out on the water on pleasant spring days, and Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Conservation Police are reminding boat owners and operators to check their watercraft and their safety checklist to avoid encountering problems on Illinois lakes...