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CWCHS baseball team hold annual banquet

 Award winners: Easton Stewart - Defensive Award Travis Black -  All Conference Bryce Northcott - Offensive Award (.505 batting average) and All Conference Justin Lamp - Most Improved and All Conference

NCOE bowling standout signs at SIC

Surrounded by her family and coaches, Elizabeth Davis of Norris City, center, officially becomes a member of Southeastern Illinois College’s very first USBC Collegiate bowling team. Seated, l-r, are brother Joseph Davis,... Read More.

OCC Summer Little League Camps

Olney Central College Baseball is hosting Summer Little League Camps for youth ages 6-13.Session I will meet June 4-6 and June 18-20, with rain dates of June 7 and 21. Session II will be offered July 16-18 and 23-25, with rain dates of July... Read More.

SIC forms coed bowling team

For the first time in its history, Southeastern Illinois College will compete in varsity levelbowling, with its official season beginning Aug. 13. Head bowling coach Archie Blair announced today that Southeastern will... Read More.