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Big D & Bubba
Big D & Bubba
4:00am - 9:00am

Open Line ON DEMAND – The Dusty Paw

In this episode of Open Line, News Director Heather Rice visits with Amanda Holman, Sariah Downen, and Lindsey Wood of The Dusty Paw in Norris City to talk about their new venture. Tune in for more.

CWC Unit 5 Preparing for Red Ribbon Week

Carmi-White County Schools participates annually to take a stand against drugs! Red Ribbon Week started when DEA agent, Kiki Camarena, was kidnapped and tortured to death in Mexico. The DEA sent Camarena to work undercover in Mexico to investigate a major drug cartel. In...

Two Carmi Residents Discover Jail on Columbus Day

A relatively quiet Corn Day weekend for Carmi Police as only two arrests were made and those were both on the Columbus Day holiday Monday.  First, was 36 year old Michelle Miller of 115 Marshall Place in Carmi.  Police arrested her at...

Corn Day 2022 Recap

Another Corn Day is in the books.  The temperatures and weather largely cooperated and even a lack of rides couldn’t dampen the spirits of young’uns as Kiwanis Club president Larissa Hays worked to create an abundance of kid centered fun throughout the festival.  From...