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White County Historical Society Seeking Volunteers

The White County Historical Society August board meeting covered plans for fall events and museum repairs as well as routine business. The August 4 and 5 museum openings which coincided with other Illinois museum openings for the state Bicentennial did not draw large attendance from out of town but several local residents were in attendance. The Society needs volunteers to help scrape and paint the interior and exterior windows and doors of Ratcliff Inn on Main Street. We are not asking volunteers to climb tall ladders. There is plenty of work just standing on the floor. Please call Ranelle Hubele at 382-8586 or 384-1790 or David Brown at 384-9583.

The Society will host Corn Tasting at the Ratcliff Inn on Corn Day beginning at 11 am until the food is gone or 1 pm, whichever comes first. There is a $2 charge for a plate of food featuring corn. Anyone wishing to provide a dish of food featuring corn should bring it to the Ratcliff Inn by 10:30 on Corn Day. Calling Marge Brown at 382-4010 with your intentions would be appreciated by not required.

The Society is finalizing plans for hosting all White County 5th grade students and their teachers in October for Pioneer Days at the Matsel Cabin museum. This event is in cooperation with White County Retired Teachers and also utilized the One Room School Museum as well as Carmi Old Grave Yard. Many volunteers are needed for the event as well as other activities. Please contact Society Board members to offer your assistance.

The Fall Dinner meeting will be Monday, Nov. 12 and will feature recognizing another Heritage House Award.

Membership Chairman, Paula Pierson reported that some members will be receiving email reminders that 2018 dues is due and payable. Val Berekashvili reported 19 visitors to the Genealogy Library in July with 3 volunteers providing 30 hours of assistance. The Library is open 11:40 to 4:30 Tuesday through Friday. There is no fee for using the materials, staff may be hired for extensive research, and there is a nominal copy charge for materials which you wish to copy.